No Prep Veneers

Placement of dental veneers is a unique method of smile enhancement appropriate for all anterior teeth that have been affected by staining, mild misalignment or spacing. No-prep veneers are offered to many patients in efforts to improve their smiles and reinforce the tooth structure.

Who is a Good Candidate

Patients who experience staining, spotting or minute fractures or cracks in their teeth are good candidates for this type of procedure. During the examination, the dentist will determine if the traditional veneers or no-prep veneers are the best option. In addition, several other dental conditions may qualify the patient for no-prep veneers and they include:

  • Diastemas (gaps between teeth)
  • Mis-shaped teeth (pointy or fanged)
  • Small teeth
  • Worn teeth
  • Slightly crowded teeth

What to Expect

No-prep veneers require no or minimal preparation of the teeth prior to receiving the restorations. The impressions of the mouth may be taken along with the study models for future reference. In a typical case, no anesthesia or drilling is necessary making the procedure attractive to the patients. The treatment is typically completed within two visits after the veneers are fabricated by the dental technician and permanently cemented by the dentist. The veneers are placed in a specific fashion allowing the patient to implement proper care and periodontal maintenance at home.

No-prep veneers are a clinically viable treatment option. The teeth can now be resurfaced with sturdy, aesthetically pleasing materials that will not fracture under normal masticatory function. Orthodontics can straighten teeth, but have no effect on the shape or color of the teeth. Relatively low-cost technique of veneer placement has since resolved that issue providing patients with many years of beautiful smiles.

As the technology advances, the dental materials become more durable with a varsity of shade and shape options. All ceramic materials are used to provide superb visual effects as well as strength and resiliency. For many patients, improving the appearance of their teeth is a life-altering experience as they gain more confidence and courage to smile.

Post-Operative Care

With good oral hygiene, the veneers will remain bright and strong for many years. As the porcelain is considered to be stain-resistant, the smile will stay dazzling with proper maintenance. As with any dental restorations, regular brushing and flossing is required to avoid any bacterial deposits. The dentist will also recommend routine prophylactic cleanings and exams every six months to monitor the patient’s oral health.