Dental Implants

Despite advances in modern dentistry, many people still suffer tooth loss through gum disease, decay or by suffering an injury. For a long time, the only solutions available for missing teeth were dentures and bridges. Now patients have the choice of getting dental implants.

What are Dental Implants?

Implants replace the roots of natural teeth and provide a foundation for either pacing a artificial tooth or retaining a denture. Choosing implants offers several benefits including:

  • Beautiful and natural appearance. Implants are made to match the patient’s natural teeth and will fuse with the jawbone to become permanent. A great smile raises self-esteem and improves the patient’s life and relationships.
  • If you’re in dentures; improved speech, eating and improved retention of the denture. The patient can speak clearly and eat favorite foods with confidence. Also improved taste as dentures needn’t be so big when implants are involved.
  • Improved oral health and durability. Unlike a bridge, implants do not require that other teeth be reduced before being placed, which aids in keeping the mouth healthier. Implants also allow more space between teeth for flossing and more thorough brushing and will last for decades with proper daily care.
  • More convenience by being permanent. Implants do not require daily removal like dentures, which eliminates embarrassment and the need to deal with a messy adhesive.

The Dental Implant Procedure

The implant process begins with the installation of a titanium post in the empty bone socket. Afterward, the jawbone will need to heal around the post, which can take up to three months. The next step is attaching the abutment, which is a small connecting post that will hold the new tooth in place. The dentist will take an impression of the patient’s teeth that acts as a guideline for creating the implant. When the replacement tooth is ready, it is placed on the abutment and the procedure is complete. In some cases, a patient may elect to have a removable denture rather than a permanent crown. Most patients experience very little discomfort when receiving an implant.

Dental implants are a great alternative to dentures in terms of convenience, hygiene and appearance. While most insurance plans do not directly cover the cost of implants, some coverage may be possible depending on the cause of the tooth loss. Patients should discuss their options with the dentist and insurance provider.